Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Texas' new abortion bill went into effect November 2nd requiring abortionists to have local hospital-admitting privileges within 30 miles of where the procedure takes places in case of an emergency. About a third of the state’s clinics shut down after the law went into effect and many women could not get the procedure done as planned. Many of the abortion doctors of these clinics are afraid ineligible women will turn to other unsafe processes to terminate their pregnancies or even their own life.

            The gap for getting an abortion seems to be getting more and more narrow, in July Texas allowed abortions up to 20 weeks and then an abortion inducing pill is prescribed. I am still on the fence about abortion, I do believe in “pro-life” but I also believe there are certain circumstances where women should be able to make their own decision. I do believe if abortions are going to stay legal to require women to be near hospital for their own health and safety but also, clinics not close enough to hospitals should stay open and continue to offer birth control, STI testing, and cancer screening. 



  1. I do agree with some of your points but although I'm not sure what your thoughts are about abortion set in stone, I have to plead with the "pro-choice" side of things. I think it's perfectly find to disagree with abortion because we are all entitled to our own standards of morality. However, in one perspective, abortion is a science that can prevent human life from developing, rather than viewing it as murder. I agree with the 20 week limitation because a baby is more than half way done with developing at five months old and I can see where that would be qualified as murder. I think the greater principle of abortion being illegal is the government taking away our right to CHOOSE. I think "pro-choice" doesn't necessarily mean that you agree with abortion, but that you disagree with the government making the decision for you. If abortion was completely prohibited, women who wanted to end their pregnancies would find a way to have an under-the-table procedure which could be unsanitary and lethal. The underlying message of the issue of abortion is that just because one group of people disagrees with something does not mean that all people disagree with it and there is no such thing as a uniform belief. The government definitely should not have the right to interfere a woman's decision, no matter what it may be!

  2. Abortion such a sensitive subject was the critique topic of choice for Sasha Thomas. Ms. Thomas, wrote about the Texas’ new abortion bill that went into effect on Nov 2, 2013 requiring abortionist to have local hospital-admitting privileges within 30 miles of where the procedure takes place in case of an emergency. It seems that Ms. Thomas is pro-life yet there are circumstances where she feels that women should make their own decisions. I personally am pro-choice. I feel it is the woman’s decision on the issue. In the end of the abortion issue we all have to answer to a high individual for all of our actions, so therefore I shall not judge. On the issue of the actual abortion bill, I agree with abortionist have local hospital –admitting privileges. We are humans and if there is a need for healthcare for any reason, no one should be denied.
