Tuesday, November 19, 2013


AM Gov 
I agree the American government is too often sticking their nose into other countries' business. Congress could taint any future affairs we have with Iran if they impose sanctions on their oil exports (or any other country for that matter) and it would also cause a downfall in the economy, again. I think we should be cautious when it comes to dealing with Iran because of their possible nuclear weapon programs, but not so cautious that we make harmful, irrational decisions.



Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Texas' new abortion bill went into effect November 2nd requiring abortionists to have local hospital-admitting privileges within 30 miles of where the procedure takes places in case of an emergency. About a third of the state’s clinics shut down after the law went into effect and many women could not get the procedure done as planned. Many of the abortion doctors of these clinics are afraid ineligible women will turn to other unsafe processes to terminate their pregnancies or even their own life.

            The gap for getting an abortion seems to be getting more and more narrow, in July Texas allowed abortions up to 20 weeks and then an abortion inducing pill is prescribed. I am still on the fence about abortion, I do believe in “pro-life” but I also believe there are certain circumstances where women should be able to make their own decision. I do believe if abortions are going to stay legal to require women to be near hospital for their own health and safety but also, clinics not close enough to hospitals should stay open and continue to offer birth control, STI testing, and cancer screening.